Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'd like to add...

A few other things that I believe are EVIL.
Besides Apple of course.

1. Idiot drivers who run into Baskin Robins and kill 4 year old boys eating ice cream. Really, who does this. And then runs. Like, yeah, run! Your going to get away! You just killed 3 innocent people! Can I say IMMIGRATION?!?!?!

2. Chocolate. Why must you hold me prisoner of your deliciousness.

3. HFCS. Meaning, HELLO FRICKEN CORN STUPIDNESS. AKA high fructose corn syrup. Why are you in my Wheat Thins? And why are you in my Fiber One Oats over Chocolate bar? And why oh why are you in my BREAD? It's almost as if food manufacturers are like, WANNA HAVE A COMPETITION TO SEE WHO CAN MODIFY NATURAL INGREDIENTS AND ADD THE MOST TO THEIR PRODUCTS?! Oooh! Oooh! Yes! Lets turn Western Civilization consumers into laboratory rats and see what Trans Fats, Hydrogenated Oils/fats, HFCS, Sucrose, Aspartame, and pretty much every other cop-out ingredient available, does to their babies babies? Beware all, the FDA is allowing our food to guarantee our children will have flippers!

4. Obama's new propaganda commercial defacing McCain with the song, "I don't know much about the economy, don't know much about ...." It gets stuck in my head IMMEDIATELY. And then the rest of the day I'm singing about my lack of knowledge of economics. Yawn, so over presidential slander.

To be continued....

1 comment:

starlitocean said...

i also hate people who kill people.
and the presidential campaign as a whole, because i live in CANADA and its like, front page news here too...
my tummy is acting weird today.
also, i want a new ipod.